Working with Disability Africa

After working with and supporting Disability Challengers for the past 20 years where I first met Ric Law, it was a pleasure to assist with the branding, website and communications for new venture Disability Africa. Ric’s approach to disability is refreshing, thought provoking and is making a difference to peoples lives in the communities that Disability Africa are working within. Ric is taking an a huge task and little by little he is winning.

Ric approaches the subject in a totally different way than most, ‘To work with communities to explore causes which exclude disabled young people. To challenge conventional attitudes and practice to inform, inspire and deliver change because we believe that an approach that includes disabled children will be better for all children’

In the few years that Disability Africa has been running it has raised enough finance to build its first centre in Gunjur, Gambia. From a simple idea to laying the foundations on a building within four years is quite an achievement. The Gunjur inclusion centre is now near completion and will include rooms for adult training, consultation and therapies? along with important facilities such as soft play areas will open its doors later this year. To read more of the story and the learn how it has all unfolded please feel free to go to the Disability Africa Blog page.

I look forward to hopefully going out to witness the opening and to see for myself the work that is being done in Gunjur later this year, and also to hear of the other schemes that are underway throughout the continent.

Watch this space as I do think that something small is about to turnout very big!


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