Cookie policy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dignissim risus arcu, non vehicula nulla pretium at. Pellentesque eu augue eget mauris sagittis molestie. Aenean in libero sit amet orci volutpat sagittis ut id lacus. Sed vel ipsum libero. Praesent eget nulla sed urna fermentum tempor. Pellentesque ut vulputate diam. Suspendisse potenti. Ut non lacinia enim. Proin ut leo vitae turpis finibus finibus eget volutpat arcu. Ut purus felis, rutrum sit amet est eget, facilisis vestibulum nunc.
Duis et risus diam. Suspendisse at dapibus lorem. Morbi scelerisque sed nisl sit amet gravida. Nunc egestas velit in vestibulum laoreet. Curabitur at tincidunt tortor. Nulla gravida velit ut molestie tempor. Suspendisse aliquam, ex nec placerat malesuada, purus enim maximus sem, ac lobortis turpis dolor ac augue. Pellentesque placerat sagittis lorem iaculis dapibus. Fusce purus ex, varius vel egestas a,
mollis ut neque. Vestibulum bibendum arcu vel orci imperdiet convallis. Ut viverra odio a augue mattis, convallis varius enim convallis. In placerat ante quis nisl auctor ultricies. Integer tempus feugiat felis, sed tristique orci posuere eu. Cras eu scelerisque est, sit amet ullamcorper ipsum. Vestibulum tincidunt risus mauris, sit amet posuere eros suscipit ac. Cras viverra vitae neque at rutrum. Nulla dictum gravida aliquam. Sed bibendum laoreet felis, accumsan ornare felis ultricies in. Fusce consequat justo eros, luctus pellentesque elit eleifend nec. Cras molestie nunc quis velit sollicitudin, non egestas mauris tincidunt.
Cookies we use
Cookie | Description |
_ga_* | Google analytics cookie - to store and count pageviews Duration: 1 year |
_ga | Google analytics cookie - Used to identify users Duration: 2 years |
p_cookies | Internal - Used to store the users cookie preferences Duration: 28 days |
__utma | Google analytics cookie - Used to Store the calculation of days and time to purchase. Duration: Persistant |
__utmz | Google analytics cookie - Used to store used keyword and search engine. Duration: 10 minutes |
p_bc | Internal - Used to identify the route a user took into a page or product in order to render the correct back links and breadcrumb trails. Duration: Session cookie - expires when browser/tab is closed |
p_fc | Internal - Used to store whether there is anything in their shopping basket or if they are logged in. This allows us to only fetch the custom elements if required improving page load time if not. Duration: 90 days |
p_fp | Internal - Used to store whether there is anything about there session that could require custom pricing e.g. a customer level discount or an offer code. This allows us to only fetch the custom elements if required improving page load time if not. Duration: 90 days |
__utmc | Google analytics cookie - Used to store time of visit. Duration: 30 minutes |
_gid | Google analytics cookie - Used to identify users Duration: 24 hours |
_gat_* | Google analytics cookie - Used to read and filter requests from bots. Duration: 1 minute |
__utmt | Google analytics cookie - Used to store number of service requests. Duration: 6 months |
__utmb | Google analytics cookie - Used to store time of visit. Duration: Session cookie - expires when browser/tab is closed |
p_st | Internal - Used to identify a user to monitor the site performance in differnt location. Duration: 1 year |
p_session | Internal - Main session Session indentifier. Used to associate a visitor with a shopping basket and/or user login session. Duration: 90 days |
Donec pretium magna vitae enim fermentum, eget imperdiet sapien gravida. Nunc lectus quam, iaculis sit amet interdum tincidunt, tincidunt ac ex. Integer semper, ligula quis cursus tristique, tortor orci aliquet sapien, at ullamcorper turpis nibh eu augue. Mauris pulvinar justo vel sem tincidunt, elementum tempor ante interdum. Vestibulum lobortis ullamcorper dapibus. Proin sollicitudin ultricies neque sed pretium. In mi ligula, vestibulum vitae leo sed, tincidunt dapibus neque. Pellentesque in consectetur urna. Vivamus lectus massa, molestie sit amet massa sed, aliquet sollicitudin lacus. Etiam bibendum justo quis semper lobortis. Mauris molestie ante eget risus consectetur vehicula.