Guildford book festival - So many books, so little time.
Good luck to all those involved in this years Guildford Book Festival, this is room 11’s fifth year of producing the festival guide book and we are proud to see the event grow from strength to strength.
Since initially re branding the Guildford book festival in 2011 and producing the subsequent programme, advertising and signage we have seen the festival grown to become the premier literary event in the South of England with this years authors to include Brian Blessed, Sir Roger Moore, humanitarian Terry Waite and former Business Secretary Vince Cable to name but a few.
Working closely with Jim Parks, Director of the Guildford Book Festival, room 11 design took on the task once again to produce the programme guide, advertising and events promotional signage. As you can appreciate the work that goes into each programme is quite exceptional, Jim has the massive task of collating the content for room 11 to be able to produce the visuals and artwork to a deadline. The studio is intense for the period time, working closely with Jim up until the deadline. We liken the start of the project to completing a large intricate puzzle. With much deliberation and with Jim’s guidance the end product is something that the studio has a great delight in sharing with friends and customers alike.
Take a look at this years festival offerings, I think you'll find it has something for everyone http://www.guildfordbookfestival.co.uk/
Jim, thank you for choosing to work with us again this year, its always good to have you in the studio. I hope its the great success it deserves to be. Feel free to see what Jim Parks has to say about the project from the link below.
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