When room 11 met Globechain

When we first met May Al-Karooni back in late December it was obvious that she was on a mission, she came to us from a referral from Perfect Pitch whom we have worked with for several years. May’s enthusiasm, knowledge and energy was (is) contagious. May is the founder of Globechain, an online reuse platform to connect businesses to charities and people, enabling them to reuse unwanted items.

The story behind the concept of Globechain came to May when she worked for a large city based organisation. When previous employers moved premises, May simply asked what was going to happen to all the old equipment, desks, chairs and copiers once used by the 250 staff? The answer came as a shock… ‘we skip it’. For most this would have raised an eyebrow or even provoked such a reaction as to shrug our shoulders in disbelief. For May she saw an opportunity to help others. For her the equipment that was being taken out of the building was a precious commodity to those that could use it. She simply had to devise a way of connecting those dots, to develop a platform that would allow organisations that no longer needed the desks, chairs and fixtures to be able to notify charities, small businesses and individuals to come and collect them. With this thought Globechain was born.

Obviously, days, weeks and months of planning, reviewing and researching took place before May launched the company, and with no help from others May set out to develop the Globechain concept and a new business.

To be able to work with May and  learning more about the concept, the plans for the future and to be close to a growing and thriving business has been inspiring. We all are capable of greatness, we all can make a difference however we seldom do. To be able to work with a person that has the gumption to stand up and make a difference, to believe in herself and her ideas has been brilliant.

To be able to also provide a solution that will help May help others is fantastic. We are very proud of the website, the complex functionality of posting items, browsing items, account registrations, payments, feedback portals and automated notifications all within a slick responsive website. All of these points made easier with a direct brief, working through our specification documentations to be able to deliver a site that the client is happy with and that has had great feedback, who wouldn’t be!

May, if I was wearing a hat I would doff it in your direction. I have no doubt you will go from strength to strength and I'm personally looking forward to helping you get there.

If you're in a business that has equipment, construction material or retail furniture that is no longer needed, rather than simply adding it to land fill, sign up with Globechain and make a difference to a local charity. Reuse, recycle and up cycling your items to create social, economic and environmental good is something we can all get onboard with, you never know it may just make someone smile.


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