Driving an innovative, sustainable future for the CASE industry

Coating, Adhesive, Sealant, and Elastomer (CASE) products are found in every aspect of life—from the shoes you walk in all day to the paint on the walls, even the thread lock keeping the bolts of the wing in place as you fly through the air at 500+ mph. The CASE industry is integral to life as we know it while also being predominantly based in petrochemical raw materials. How can we answer the call to deliver on sustainability goals while still being tied to petrochemicals? Is sustainability all about “green” or is there more to the story? Can sustainability improve your bottom line, rather than hindering it?

The CASE for Sustainability campaign was meticulously crafted to spotlight the sustainable offerings available within the Paints and Coatings market. This initiative aimed to educate and engage audiences about eco-friendly products and practices, ultimately encouraging them to sign up for an informative and compelling webinar.

The primary goal of the campaign was to raise awareness about sustainability in the industry. By highlighting the environmental benefits and innovations in sustainable paints and coatings, the campaign sought to attract professionals and enthusiasts eager to learn more and contribute to greener practices.


Logo: A distinctive 'ticket' style logo that encapsulates the 'Call To Action' of the campaign.

Web Banners: Visually appealing web banners placed on strategic websites and platforms to drive traffic and awareness.

Digital Adverts: Engaging digital adverts deployed across social media, search engines, and relevant industry websites.

Printed Adverts: High-quality printed adverts in industry magazines and at trade shows to reach a broader audience.

Social Media Graphics: Custom graphics for social media platforms to promote the campaign and webinar, designed to encourage shares and interactions.

Email Marketing: Targeted email graphics and templates to inform and invite subscribers to the webinar, ensuring a high open and click-through rate.

Teaser Video: A professionally produced teaser video showcasing the key speakers and agenda of the upcoming webinar. This video served as a crucial tool to generate excitement and anticipation, giving potential attendees a sneak peek into the valuable insights and discussions they could expect.

Webinar Promotion: The heart of the campaign was the webinar, featuring leading experts in the Paints and Coatings industry. The agenda was carefully curated to cover critical topics in sustainability, from innovative materials and technologies to best practices in eco-friendly production.


A variety of deliverables both offline and online were required for this campagin. Below you can view the teaser video which was created to encourage registerations for the associated webinar.

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Why room 11?

Based in Godalming, near Guildford we have been designing visual identities and developing branding for organisations since 1997.

From local companies to large multinationals, we follow the same process to ensure we develop the right logo and brand identity that works for our clients.

Before we put pencil to paper, we work with you to get a deep understanding of:

  • The business you are in now and possible new areas in the future.
  • The size of your company, and the scale of your ambition.
  • Your values, your personality, what’s important to you.
  • Your competitors, and how you are different.
  • Your target audience, and the channels to reach them.

Get in touch

We cater to all tastes, so we would love to hear about your requirements. Get in touch by phone or email and let’s start the conversation.