We are proud to support Disability Africa

We have had a great year working closely with Ric Law and his team at Disability Africa.

The charity has come a long way from its conception five years ago to its first Centre opening in The Gambia providing parental support and training programs for community volunteers, regular physiotherapy and a surgery for monthly visits by a doctor and the base for a schools’ outreach programme as preparation to start selecting and preparing children who attend the Centre to be included in mainstream schools. This is only one of the many projects currently being run by Ric and his small team. With such progress you can understand how proud we are to be part of such a successful organisation.

"As a small charity facing the enormous challenges of supporting disabled young people in African countries, it's great to have friends like the team at Room 11. In designing our website and all our promotional literature, Room 11 have been an essential ingredient in our growth over the past five years. They are experts in presentation - our messages are often complex involving sensitive issues.

And the best thing about the Room 11 team is, although all the work they do for us is without charge, we never feel like anything but their most valued customer!"

Ric Law, Director Disability Africa

If you would like to find out more about Disability Africa please visit their website or if you would like to find out more about how we've worked with Ric and his team with branding, presentations, printed literature websites and a host of other projects please don't hesitate to get in touch.

To donate to this fantastic charity please visit their donations page here.


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