The New Guildford Society Website is now live
The Guildford Society website is a fully content managed website, used to promote the society, their latest news and events, and to give users the opportunity to join the society via an online payment form.
The society are a group of volunteers interested in and dedicated to: Conserving the best of Guildford and its environs, Promoting high standards of planning and architecture, Influencing the pace and type of development, Raising the level of public awareness of local issues.
They have specialist scrutiny groups devoted to Planning, Transport and Design & Heritage and are affiliated to Civic Voice, a nationwide umbrella organisation for Community Associations and Amenity Societies. The Society is politically neutral, and strictly independent.
People may ask what is The Guildford Society; what does it stand for; and what is its purpose...
The Society organizes: Exhibitions and lectures, Social functions, Open meetings to address issues of public concern and sponsor Guildford’s Town Bridge Market
The society also contribute to Heritage Open Days, Produce a variety of publications on Guildford, Make Design Awards for outstanding new buildings or renovations, Support projects to enhance the townscape e.g. the Bargeman sculpture and so much more.
To find out more about the society, please click here.
Get in touch
Online, on the phone, or over a cuppa, we love to talk to you about how we can help with your future design needs.