Ric at Disability Africa meets the Taiwanese Ambassador to Gambia, to discuss the Gunjur Inclusion Project
A huge thanks for your help with our pomotional materials for the Gunjur Inclusion Project. Here is your leaflet in action with the Taiwanese ambassador to Gambia!
Ric Law
Disability Africa
Disabled people continue to comprise the poorest and worst-served group in the world.
Clearly, the greater the level of general poverty in any community the worse the conditions are for the disabled people who live there. Or to put it another way; disabled people in the poorest communities are the most disadvantaged people on our planet.
We believe that the desperate inequalities that exist for disabled people are uncivilised and preventable. To address these inequalities improves all of us who take part.
Our Mission
To work with communities to explore causes which exclude disabled young people. To challenge conventional attitudes and practice to inform, inspire and deliver change because we believe that an approach that includes disabled children will be better for all children.
Our Vision
Disability Africa is working towards an inclusive global society in which the attitudes of the non-disabled are no longer barriers to the life-chances of those with impairments; where equity of opportunity exists for disabled people and societies recognise the benefits to all of Inclusive thinking and action.
End their isolation
Disabled children the world over are isolated by social convention, stigma and because of prejudice and lack of knowledge. A direct consequence is comprehensive deprivation. Deprivation of meaningful stimulus and interaction with family and community ; deprivation of health care and education, and even deprivation of food.
The first priority for disabled children in African countries, is to end their isolation.
We are developing a template of actions which aims to reduce isolation and produce benefits for disabled young people as quickly as possible.
Get in touch
Online, on the phone, or over a cuppa, we love to talk to you about how we can help with your future design needs.